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Google Ranking and SEO Rank Correlation Factors of 2020

Google Ranking and SEO Rank Correlation Factors of 2020

The US based search engine giant Google is continuously upgrading its capabilities by rolling out updates to its algorithm. Therefore, it becomes cumber some for the companies to stay updated with the new modification and changes made by such algorithm updates and also come up with new advanced solution for improving their content. The Search Metrics have laid out the SEO rank correlation and Google ranking factors for 2020, which would help the companies to follow a standard path to make them compatible with updates.

Step 1: Increase the Number of User-Relevant Content

Following these content factors would help in achieving top ranking in lesser time.
  1. The length of the text in the characters should be 8313 and word count 975.
  2. Try to implement higher word count using relevant topic terms.
  3. Enrich your content with other media like images and videos.
  4. Audiences wish to see holistic content with lesser Ad links.
  5. Try to write your content centered on the used keywords.
  6. Keyword stuffing within the content is a big ‘NO’.
Apart from these, using extremely relevant terms in your website’s content is always seen as the most important factor in determining the search ranking.

Step 2 & 3: Build A Robust Website Architecture and Active Back links

Working on providing a valuable content would be useless if you do not complement with a robust website for the convenience of the search engine and audiences both alike. Following these technical factors and tips would help in creating in top ranking website.
  1. Your average site speed should be 0.99 seconds and your 98% URLs should have a Meta description.
  2. The average length of characters in the URL should be 36.
  3. Have a quick loading speed and keep your website updated.
  4. Maintain a good balance of internal links.
  5. Homepage – deep link – ratio should also be well balanced.
  6. Successful domains are found to have higher share of links anchored to their domain name and brand name.
Step 4: Boost Your Social Media Practice

Social Media is a greater contributor in boosting the SEO efforts.
  1. It is been found that the top ranking URLs have an average of 143 Google Plus ones, 1690 Face book signals, 36 pins and 162 tweets.
  2. Content is still the king. Produce quality content and it will get you maximum shares.
Step 5: Implement User Signals

The top ranking URLs have showed the importance of the user signals; average time of site spent was 101 seconds and bounce rate was just 37%. Furthermore, the click-through rate was 23% for the websites.
If you follow the above mentioned tactics and strategy implemented by the top ranking websites, you would reap most of the benefits in short time


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