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How to get approved From Google Adsense in 2 hours

How to get approved From Google Adsense in 2 hours

How to get approved From Google Ad sense in 2 hours

As Google Ad sense is the basic concern of every blogger and webmaster. If you are in favor of making money online then you must be worried about Google Ad sense. As everyone knows, Google Adsense is the largest ad serving platform which allows you to put their ads on your website. To get approved from Google Ad sense is not an easy task. It is always a headache which confuses every blogger.

If you want to earn a handsome income and want to get approved from Google Ad sense then you are in the right place. I have seen many bloggers by searching this so many times. Because Google has very strict policies and their standard is too much nowadays. They don’t even bother to reject you in no time. So here I have a few techniques through which you can get approved from Google Ad sense in no time. Here we go!

Hosted Ad sense Account?

As there are two accounts provided by Google. One is hosted and the second one is not hosted account. To get Hosted Ad sense account.  Just follow the simple steps given below. Do as it is and wait for 2 hours. You will Get approved from Google Adsense shortly.

1.    Go to and create an account.
2.    Now create a channel.
3.    Now upload any video of short length duration.
4.    Go to the channel and choose Status and feature option.
5.    Enable monetization.
6.    If monetization tab is disabled for your country then go to advanced settings.
7.    Change your country if it allows you.
8.    Now under the channel, choose monetization option and select on “How I will be paid” question.
9.    Now You will be directed to Adsense page.
10.    Get approved from Google Adsense shortly by full fling your details.

Hosted Account works?

If you are from Asia, Your hosted account might not work for your blog. But sometimes it works. It depends on Adsense either it allows you or not. But I have a method tested by my self. If you have a blog on Blogspot than simply go to blogger settings and add a widget of HTML/text.

Now go to Adsense and create an ad. After creating an ad. Copy the ad code and post it to the blogger widget. They will review your site and if your site has minimum traffic of 300 views per day and you do not have any copyright issue. Then no doubt you will be approved shortly to serve ads on Blogger blog.

What if you don’t want hosted account? If you have a WordPress website and you want to Get approved from Google Adsense on that website that is it possible? yes, it is. Remember one thing that Google Adsense is very strict and quite efficient. Therefore it is not any hard and fast rule to get approved un till and unless you meet all their guidelines. But still, I have some strategies which have been tested by my self. Which I want to share with you people.

Get approved from Google Adsense For website?

Like if you have a website or blog on WordPress. And you want your self to approve your self then no issue at all. It is possible either if you don’t have much traffic. Here I am telling you some methods which will definitely help you to Get approved from Google Adsense in no time for WordPress website or any other site which is not on blogger. Just follow the simple steps and do work on them.

    Create a website and do work on that website for 3 months at least.
    Do write at least 20 posts.
    Each post should be according to SEO Strategies.
    Try to build some traffic as well if you are from Asia.
    If you are from Europe side or the Middle East than you can apply even your site has no traffic.
    Sometimes you get approved from them easily with less traffic.

Final Words :
I hope this article will help you for better understandings of Adsense. Remember to Get approved from Google Adsense is not a piece of cake. You will have to do some hard work to get it. But if you have done it once then you can earn easily some good revenue. Though Google is very vital now and they want to be more efficient in order to be the best of best. That’s why they reject many applications just because of lack of their community guidelines. If you have any queries regarding the post. You are welcome to ask. Have a good day!


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