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CREATE FREE BACKLINKS (2020):An Incredibly Easy Method That Works For All--seopagesdo(updated)

Create High-Quality Backlinks to Your site (2020)

last update 26-Dec-19.
Create Free Backlinks
 Create Free Backlinks:   SEO is the main factor to improve rankings of your site. As in 2018 70 percent of the work is dependent to On page work but 30% is mandatory for Off page work as well.

Off page SEO in completely dependent on backlinks.

 If you want to improve your site’s rankings than you should be a player of the backlinks game.

To create high quality backlinks a lot of effort is required and it is absolutely recommended to create your blog links to other blogs manually instead of using any black hat tool.

You will be penalized otherwise.

When we talk about on page work it is changed regarding the platform you are using like wordpress, blogger, Weebly etc.

But for all the site off page work is the same.

We have to follow the same strategies and do some effort as well just to improve rankings.

So here I am going to tell you how to create quality backlinks in 2016 which will surely help you a lot.

How do I create back links?

Smart traditions to get or make Back links to Your Website
  1. The broken-link structure technique.
  2. Back links during info graphics.
  3. The benefit of guest articles.
  4. Search out on your competitors.
  5. Make internal links.
  6. Endorse your content.
  7. Write down testimonials.
  8. Make contact with reporters and important bloggers.

Blog Commenting :

By hook or by crook we have to follow the blog commenting

We do not neglect this strategy as it is beneficial until yet in 2019.

 As when we comment we cannot take link juice of that website just because of No follow.

By default on 99% sites, the blog commenting do not allow do follow to your link. 

It means the crawler will not index your link when it crawls that website. 

But blog commenting is necessary just because of citation flow and trust flow. Have a look as well.

How to Search Blog Commenting Sites? (Question)

Blog Commnet

Hello Reader, You can search Blog Comment site like mention above screen shot.

Type Blog comment on google search bar and search It.

Blog Commenting

   After Type your Comment Like Mentioned Above. Submit It.

Social bookmarking to create high-quality backlinks :

Social bookmarking is nowadays an important factor to improve rankings for your blog. 

Because all the social websites are too much famous and they have high Page Rank as well from where you can get the number of visitors on daily basis. 

And if any site allows dofollow links than then it will be much benefit to you. 

Because crawler will find your link to the top-rated website which results of the boost of your rankings. 

Try to post your link to these sites on daily basis. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Linked in and StumbleUpon. 

There are too many sites you can post your link there as well. but above sites are mandatory.

Guest Posting to  Create High-Quality Backlinks :

Writing article to any other blog or website having high Page Rank is the shortest and convenient method to improve your blog Page Rank in no time. 

As many of the sites provide an opportunity to write for them and as a result, they allow you one or two to Dofollow links to your website

Like the website having high page rank must have thousands of visitors and when you post your link there then they must visit your site as well. 

And beneficially the crawler will also index your site just because of Dofollow backlinks. Here are some sites. Contact them to write the post for them.

Trust flow websites :

The new terminology is there in SEO market

Where you can get rankings in no time. Try to write as a guest post for the high trust flow score site.

 The website having high trust flow, will automatically increase your site’s trust flow. 

When you will have high TF score than no doubt you will start getting organic traffic

Try Freelancing websites for guest posting in TF sites. 

There are many services available, for few bucks they will post your article on high TF sites.

Tips to follow to create high-quality backlinks :

High quality backlinks free

  • Be relevant and straightforward to the post where you comment.
  • Do not use any of the black hat tools for backlinks.
  • Try to make links on .edu and .org sites. They allow dofollow links.
  • To create high-quality backlinks do not make more than 10 links per day.
  • Use proper anchor text for the commenting.
  • Do social bookmarking on daily basis.
  • Mention on every post to share this to others.
  • Use plugins which allow share buttons to users to share your post.
  • Be determined and try hard.

The Art of Getting a Backlink

Get Backlinks

The importance of  backlinks never be told to a blogging audience as this. Success in blogging means doing just two things right – getting quality content on your blog and getting quality links to point to your website.

Getting quality content is easy. Getting quality links to point to your site is not.

While there have been several ‘tips and tricks’ on how to get websites to link to you, including article marketing, distributing freebies and announcing contests, one of the simplest ways is often forgotten – ‘Plainly emailing the website author to provide a link to you’.

First and foremost, let me admit that this is one of the most difficult things to get done, but is the most rewarding of all.

While you can easily get a lot of PR 0 and PR 1 websites to link to you through article marketing, how many PR 7 or PR 8 websites – the authorities in your niche, will link to you?

If you would want Google and your niche audience to trust you well enough, it is links from these websites that matter.

So, how do you get this done? It is a long, yet satisfying process that will go a long way in helping you establish your authority.

First step – Do NOT click on the contact link and shoot an email. Thousands are doing this already and you will quite likely never hear back. What you need to do is establish a rapport with the author.

Social Media

Backlinks 2019

Here is where social networks come handy. Connect to the author on websites like Facebook and Twitter. Frequently, when the author tweets, do not just blindly retweet.

Engage in a quality discussion with them. The first step is to get the author know that someone like you exist. Do this on a consistent basis before proceeding to step two.


Second step is to volunteer. Does the website author also handle a forum?

Does he have a Facebook fan page? If not, create one, and ask him to endorse it on his website. If the author does indeed have forums, volunteer to be the moderator for the group.

You have built trust.

Free Backlinks
The third step is the easiest. You simply have to mail the author asking if your website can be included in the Resources section of his website. You are most likely to get a link.

The procedure explained here can seem very arduous, but remember that any niche has got only a handful of genuine experts, and you are going to employ this only to get to these few people.

 Additionally, it is not just a backlink you are earning, but a very valuable contact in your niche which will go a long way in establishing your authority.

But wait, before anything like this can happen, you need to have great content. So, if you have not built genuine content yet, go build that one first!

What is Dofollow Backlinks and high pr backlinks

High pr backlink

I want to talk to you about DoFollow Backlinks and specifically 'What they are.'

My friends the easiest way for me to explain DoFollow Backlinks
is to explain to you the difference between a 'NoFollow' and a 'DoFollow Backlink.'

Otherwise it can get so confusing. Ahh all the lingo on the Internet!

Anyway. Simply a ‘NoFollow’ link is a link that search engines do not click-through to.

While a ‘DoFollow’ link is one that they will click-through to.

So if a NoFollow link points to your website, human visitors that click on the link will be taken to your site, but search engines will just ignore it.

On the other hand, both visitors and search engines will be able to click-through to a Dofollow backlink. OK.

Because of this a NoFollow link does very little to help your overall SEO.

However, my friends it is always recommended that you use a number of
'NoFollow' links in your backlinking plan as well.

This helps your backlinks look more natural to Google and other Search Engines.

If a search engine sees that your site only has 'DoFollow' links pointing to it.

It may raise a red flag and you might get penalized and nobody wants that.

What's The Difference Between Do Follow and No Follow Links 

There's two types of links, do-follow and no-follow.
A do-follow is telling search engines hey I'm linking to this site because I want to, pass link juice and have this site rank higher.
The no-follow link is hey I'm linking to this site, I don't want you guys to
help this site rank higher.
And that's usually because they paid you, or it's an affiliate link,
or there's something that's maybe like sketchy about the site.
Let's say you wrote a blog post on how someone's doing something terrible,
and ya know, they shouldn't exist, you could no-follow that link.
In general, you usually don't link out to sites with a no-follow.
It's mainly used for advertising or let's say your blog comments.
So user-generated content, like all the blog comments on Neil Patel
or any website out there, is usually no-followed.
WordPress does this by default, because they don't want marketers to go in,
write tones of spammy comments, and get links.
And search engines want you to no-follow links that can be easily manipulated.
For example, if you're promoting an affiliate offer, and that company has thousands of affiliates like you, Google wants you to no-follow those links,
because if you don't no-follow them, that site can unfairly rank higher.
So in general, when someone's paying you or you're making money by linking out somewhere, like an affiliate link or advertisement, you want to use a nofollow.
When you decide who you want to link to because it's reputable, you're citing a source, and those cases even if you’re linking to a competitor, because ya know you're saying hey my competition did x, y,and z that was really cool.
you want to make those links do-follow.
That's the difference between no-follow and do-follow links.
And just because a site has more do-follow links, it doesn't mean they're gonna rank higher or just because a site has tons of no-follow links.
It doesn't mean they're gonna rank lower.
There's a lot of other factors that determine a site's rankings, but of course the more do-follow links a website has, it's supposed to in
theory help with rankings.


Conclusion :

We hope this article will help you for better understandings of backlinks in 2018. If you have any queries related to the topic feel free to ask. We will be glad to answer you. If you find this article helpfull feel free to share it with your loved once. Cheers.


Zain Liaquat said…
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