7 Things You Didn't Know About Keyword Search
How to do keyword research to find the right SEO keywords for your website and how to find out what keywords your competitors are using that's a little. we help business owners grow their
business to the next level by leveraging online, social media and unconventional marketing strategies.
let's get right to it many people want to leverage search engine optimization like Google Yahoo Bing and the rest to get more sales leads for the business so you start doing SEO keyword research and find it's not so easy to find good keywords for their website and business without knowing how to find the right keywords for SEO for your website or blog.
you'll get lousy results or no results at all now you be surprised to find out how many businesses don't know their SEO keywords they also don't know how to do SEO keyword research which
means they have no idea what their customers are searching for online that's a surefire recipe for disaster we have clients who invested thousands of dollars in SEO services with other companies only to find that they were ranking for the wrong.
SEO keywords in other words SEO keywords that weren't able to get their phones ringing or drive qualified leads to the website bottom line they weren't making any money don't let this happen to you so what we're going to do is show you six quick ways to do keyword research for
the right SEO keywords for your website.
your blog and these include five popular free keyword search suggestion tools by the way the sixth and final method is going to blow your mind .
how to keyword search on google
to the services or products that you sell some of their benefits include that.
you can more easily rank in search engines for them they won't have as much competition and can boost your sales conversion because these searches are more qualified searches and oftener late-stage prospects you see this is a longtail keyword order running shoes online this is a late-stage key phrase someone who's ready if we're looking at during running shoes online so to get started and learning how to do SEO keyword research.
simply step into your customers shoes and you want to conduct an imaginary search for what you're selling or you can ask friends and relatives to suggest longtail keywords if they would have searched for your products and services.
so let's say we search for this key phrase small business coaching let's go find some variations you're right here to Google and check out what they what they have the offer so the first free keyword suggestion tool is using Google suggestions now what you're going to do is you simply type in a few SEO key phrases and you look at the suggestions.
any that you actually like now the second free free keyword search tool is searches related to and it's located at the bottom of the page and itself to come up with some some keyword ideas as
well so once again when you type in a few SEO key phrases this time .
some of the other keyword searches that people are typing related to that key phrase you can even click on some of the terms to see other related terms remember these are the terms that your
target demographic are searching for so we'll click on business coaching tips and ideas and we'll scroll to the bottom and you see here are some other ideas in leadership coaching tips coaching tips for managers that kind of thing all right so very very cool in again free the third free keyword checker tool is using Google's keyword planner.
what you're going to do is simply type in Google's keyword planner so right now Google Keyword planner and then we're going to click here on the keyword planner and you see over here it says sign in so you're actually going to sign into the account like so now if you don't have a an account you just want to set up a free gmail account and it set up a free gmail account you guys going to type in gmail like so and then you click on Gmail and right here you see at
the bottom where it says create an account just click on that to set up an account and that's it alright now that you've done this you want to go back to the Google Keyword planner and log in.
Is Keyword Search
so let's go back to the Google Keyword planner and we went to login and let's do this 2:10 there we go alright we're logging in doing this thing right and now one thing usually when you log in it will take you to this page sometimes if you're logging in it will take you to another page so sometimes throws people off so if you ever wind up on another page other than that one just go up here to where it says tools and a drop-down menu will appear and you just want to go to keyword planner remember that's we came here for the keyword planner usually going to always take it as page.
when you log in yet again you know once you've used it a few times it may take you to different pages alright so what we're going to do is we're going to type in to search for new keywords and everybody's I'm gonna click on that and let's type in you know some keywords so we're going to do small business coaching it could be whatever keyword that you that you want you know and the other thing is you want to scroll down and make sure that you're targeting you know the you know United States whatever country you happen to be in you know for a for city and country
will fight with the United States.
the u.s. is fine and then all you do is you click on get keyword ideas or get ideas and you'll see it's coming up in BAM kind of all these searches now there's ad group ideas we want keyword ideas a group ideas are for when you're using Google ads like pay-per-click and Sun so we want keyword ideas or click on keyword ideas and you see small business code to number one average monthly searches 320 that means each month Google tracks about three hundred and
twenty people that search for this.
What is Keyword Search
we see as we go through there's all these different variations right so let's go down and see I'm going to make this a bit simpler you see it house one 230 of 800 keywords is only listing 30 so we can do like this and change it so it displays a hundred keywords per page that makes it much simpler for us and then all you do is this you just go through and any keywords that you like here's .
one business leadership coaching 110 keywords low competition you click on this arrow under add to plan and what it'll do is it'll add it to to the plan for you and you just go through each one
this is one way you can do it and select them it's more time-consuming or you what you could simply do instead of doing that it is go right to the top here where the download button is and
just click download.
yet this downloads everything alright so then we want to download it as an excel csv and it will do just that it will save all those keywords you know that we just that we just found and we already have the file here so this is what the file will look like when you actually save it it'll download just like this and all you do is then you go through customizing delete the stuff that you don't want you know changing around manure like this to the left and right
I'll delete some of these over here too because we want to make it easy for us to use later and what this shows is again here are the actual key words here are the average monthly searches and so what we want to do is go down and delete any that we don't like so small business isn't going to really be any good for us right small business marketing that's not bad yet live out of some other things we don't want and small businesses.
How Keyword Search
that's no good and that's all you do you go through and whichever ones you don't like small business advice that'd be a good one whichever ones that you don't like small business website you just delete and then once you finish you have all these keywords you have think it was like about 800 look at that 800 keywords and you'll go through and find and delete the ones that you that you don't like so a very simple easy way to actually do it and the ones off you that are left are the ones that you can use now the fourth free keyword search tool you can use to find your competitors SEO keywords is once again using Google's keyword planner so let's go back to the
keyword planner and we're going to modify the search and here's what we're going to do so here's a difference.
when you're searching for your competitors keywords you're going to simply type in your competitors website address in the field your landing page so let's type in blah blah let's see here I don't know let's see what Home Depot's doing Home Depot that can yeah and then click get ideas and what will happen is it'll search it will search out your competitor oh wait let me get rid of the end and do it one more time there we go all right so we we have Home Depot now and yousee what happens is that it went through and it pulled up all sorts of keywords that are well your competitors to whoever your competitors website is it's searching for using low ceiling fans kitchen floors look at all that this really helps you out a lot so.
what you do is just review the listings and scroll down to view the mall you see the collection of keywords including a group ideas and it's simple and quick and again once again if you want to save all of you just click the download button and give you the download option or again as I mentioned before you can go through and save individual ones to your to your to your file so that's.
simple and quick the fifth free keyword suggestion tool is using su Volcom now when I go to souville right now very interesting name souville calm and souville gives you keyword suggestion from the top search engines on the web and what you do is you simply type in the phrase and you see what happens I want to type in small business you see all these different search engines will have small business coaching there we go and you see it pulls up keywords from Wikipedia from Google from Amazon Yahoo Bing YouTube.
and it gives you all these different suggestions so if we had put it back to small businessà all these other keywords are populating out under Wikipedia under answers.com Google
Amazon Yahoo and you can rotate it around by pressing the right arrow
button on your on your keypad to rotate the position of the other results you get plenty of keywords so you know you can optimize it assert to rank differently in different and different
search engines.
all right so this is pretty cool in an awesome free tool now the sixth and final keyword research
suggestion tool is our bull's eye target SEO keyword research report this is the choice of serious business owners who want to get results quickly without wasting a lot of time and money doesn't make sense to have experienced expert.
SEO professionals do the for you will do in depth keyword research and find lucrative terms within your niche that can help you increase your website's traffic impressions and most importantly your profits now we use paid SEO keyword research tool that cost hundreds of dollars each month not the free stuff which only gives you cursory Information.
we'll find up to 800 of your of your keywords in your niche market especially those lucrative low competition keywords and all these keywords over here my goodness gracious as it goes on and on we'll go all the way down the bottom look at this thing and it includes those look
those lucrative low competition keywords now your report includes first of all
the keywords it also shows obviously the the monthly searches the SEO traffic the SEO traffic
is how much traffic you can anticipate getting with a first page first position ranking in the search engines very handy stuff so also the competition for your title URL adwords cost per click.
we even analyze your top 10 competitors you see competition down here would you like to know what they're doing to rank so well you know this is how to find the gain keywords of
competitors and a lot more targeted you get the page rank of the domain i mean this thing is very exhaustive you know what on-site optimization they've done this is for the for your competitors still you know the optimization that they've done the number of backlinks to their domain plus much more and this is the best way you know how to find out your competitors keywords if you really want to target in laser focus here.
your SEO marketing this is the best thing so we even include here a Help section and the Help section and report makes it easy for you to understand you know covers everything everything I just showed you all the SEO traffic what these thing means you know the what the gov the backlinks broad phrase match you know exact phrase match that sort of you'll be using the keywords in this report for the life of your business so it's an excellent for you that continue to pay off year after year.
keyword research to find the right SEO keywords for your website and how to find out what keywords your competitors are using if you'd like to know more about getting that perfect money-making SEO keywords for your website and business with our bull's eye target SEO
keyword research.